Monday, October 25, 2010


Saturday, October 09, 2010


I started meditating. And it changed my life. However, it’s hard to keep doing it every day like I would want to. But it’s so worth it. It’s good to clear the mind of all the clutter and unnecessary thoughts. Ramble, ramble, STOP! clear * refresh * good, positive thought flow * relaxation. it’s wonderful. 
But, I really haven’t done it in awhile. I must get started on it again.I just can’t help but think of all the crap I have to do all the time though. But that’s exactly the point of meditation, is to step back and clear the mind and focus better on what is needed. 
lalala, just figured I’d post something.

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Love & Happiness - Al Green, dope

Wednesday, September 01, 2010


Keeping my feelings to myself. 

Saturday, August 07, 2010

"The Guidelines" - Aceylaone

Friday, August 06, 2010

Me, today.

I am great! Life is the most beautiful truth of existence ever. Haha, i am so in love ! I finally feel like I am preparing for what I personally believe life is all about, and not what i've been brainwashed to believe. Much happier days. I am light as a feather! Going w/ the flow, and letting love guide me.
Meditation has changed my life, lol.

I am so in love with LIFE! I am happy I have finally chosen to love! There is light and darkness in all of us, and for a little while I was focusing on how bad things can be. I was afraid of the possibility of evil and it's existence. I gave so much power and focus to the fear that evil might happen that I just wanted to give up on everything. But I wasn't looking at "everything," I was just looking at the bad stuff.. Now that i'm finally letting myself see how GOOD things can be, I want to cherish what I have. I choose to love everything that is living and breathing on this planet because we're all here Now. I choose to be light over darkness! =) I choose to shine rather than blind the next generation of children with fear of living and of life. This world is NEUTRAL. a Balance of things...there's good and bad, but it's all about what you focus on and the change you bring to things...we're all so important just bcuz we're alive and that makes us so beautiful. So yes, I am in love and happy I found it in myself to love unconditionally despite all the darkness in this world. I am brave! A true warrior =) My love will conquer any darkness, and the only way darkness can conquer me is if i let it...i have the power, i have the control. I choose to inspire and encourage human potential, rather than to tell people what is right or wrong, or to let people tell me what is right or wrong.

How has everything been with you?

Absence of Love, Light = Hate, darkness.

The same way fear can conquer our mind, body, and spirit like an infectious disease and destroy our belief in our Self and our Power, it is the same way love can conquer any darkness, fear, and hate that has possibility to cultivate within us.

Everything is possible. Beware of the possibility of destruction. Nothing lasts forever or is promised - but love unconditonally Now anyway. Because NOW is all what got.

Cold is the "absence" of heat.
Hate is the "absence" of love.
Dark is the "absence" of light.

darkness comes into light.
light does not come into darkness; light can be suppressed by darkness
but light is never destroyed; it is only "absent"

Darkness is not meant to conquer light. Darkness is here to be lit.

In a dark room, people started by lighting a candle so they could see.

When you find yourself in the dark, lost and confused - light a candle. Be positive. Love yourself.
Find the good in You. Light up Your darkness.
When the darkness in others is revealed to you, when it attacks Your light and tries to suppress you - DO NOT let your candle be blown out by their cold wind of fear and hate. Instead, realize that they are a candle, just like You. They can be light, but their light has been suppressed; blown out. It is up to You, to stand your ground, protect Your light, and try to the light the Fire that has burned out in others. But also beware of those whose candle has been lit by a fire that destroys...we're all "burning"; living-breathing Spirits, as long as we're still alive. But some people have caught a fire that destroys and they move on to continue to destroy and infect others. Beware of this!! Be stronger than this!! Shine brighter, always. It was never a good idea for anyone to become "less" than who they are or to believe they are less than or better than anyone else. Encourage love, inspire love, spread a fire...
 Light your candle with LOVE. Fuel your firelight with LOVE.

Your fire can change the world.
& The Law of Nature is "Nothing is Impossible."- Stabilized, neutral, karma, justice, a BALANCE.
So, what I am getting at is that keeping all this mind, it means, your Fire has great possibility of conquering through hate or through love...emptiness or purpose.
What you do with your fire, means everything to what happens next in this world...
& whether or not it is destroyed, or protected by a Light that burns in all of us. A fire of Peace and Joy.

Pure happiness.

this all means "something."

Everyday at 3'oclock. We should all grab the next persons hand next to us, and reflect on Peace. Even if there is no hand to grab, just trust that your fellow humans are all reflecting on peace. Do not fear the evil in others. Instead, inspire Love. Love conquers all.

Love conquers fear; hate; evil.

Love, and the world will love back.


  1. Do you want to "inspire" or "control?"
  2. Do you want to be "inspired" or do you want to be "controlled?"


hold your ground. keep your shine lit.
All the hate in this world is a result of people caging in who they really are; of guarding themselves due to fear; of all the hate and darkness that has occurred before and continues to multiply within ourselves as we cultivate it with our own hate and our own darkness. Catharsis: free your spirit. Be you.

**For the reader, what you will find here has been stated in previous posts of mine.

I may sound repetitive, but practice makes perfect.
These words are for me to grow and learn from, I will keep writing stuff like this even if I am saying the same thing over and over again. These words are also for the reader whose path happens to come across my life in this blog: You are special. You matter. Be somebody; be You. Because You are here, Now.

Who are you? Who are you choosing to share Your Life with? What are you doing?

You are still alive. You still have Life in you...
Why give up Your gift of "something?" 
We all have a story to's up to us as individuals to write our own story; to give up is to not appreciate the gift we have.

Life is a gift that keeps on giving; life gives life which gives life which gives life, etc.
The world is constantly labeled as "unfair"
But ALL is fair... because the world is what we make of it.
 "What you what you'll get"
Good brings good, bad brings bad... both emerge in all realities.

This world is a stable place; everything is in balance; Justice, Karma...
You can't have one thing and not the other; no joy without pain. no love without hate.
It's what has been true since the beginning of Life.

The idea is never to give up.
Your job as a Human Spirit is to find happiness within Yourself and to not let the unhappiness or dark ways of others suck You into Your own darkness.
You have to continue to stand strong and be your own shining light against whatever hits You; if you keep failing to learn the lesson Life is trying to teach you, then you risk falling into the same traps, and dealing with the same challenges with just as much difficulty; example; video games; you keep trying to get past Level 1, but every time you reach the end of the castle the same dragon kills you because you always jump too low off the ledge to get past him to the other side. You know if you try to aim higher, you can get past him, so you keep trying until you succeed. If you don't try, and just keep repeating the same failing action, you will face the challenge with the same amount of difficulty every time.

The only way to get past darkness is to keep shining. To keep the fire of Life that is in You brightly LIT.

You do this by always doing what is right by YOU. The people around you matter; this is true. But you have to matter for yourself, before anybody else can mean anything to you, too. 

Do not lot this world change You. You are the one with the power to change this world; for better or for worse.

But always keep in mind to BE THE REAL YOU. Your goal is complete your Person. To attain Your personal Truth.

Do the "right" thing. You classify what is "right." Somebody can give you their opinion, and pass on advice, but it is always up to you to agree or disagree. It is in your agreement or disagreement, that you have decided what is wrong or right for You.

Even if you believe everyone around You is doing wrong, it is up to You to keep doing what You believe is right.

By staying True to Yourself, You will achieve Happiness.

If you begin to let Yourself feel upset due to the hurtful and/or evil actions of others or nature, take this as a sign that You are letting Yourself succumb to your dark side; the side in You that makes You believe that You are not special.

By succumbing, You are submitting Yourself by CHOICE to become darker, and colder.
You are doing what You feel is right by You, but when you let the darkness of others blow out the warmth and light of Your candle - you sacrifice your happiness even though you feel deep down that You have been doing what is good.

You have to feel happy with Yourself. You reward yourself. Do not depend on the approval and satisfaction of others. Yes, they matter just like You matter. But THEY are not YOU. They are here to love or hate you, but You need to be a YOU for them to Love or Hate. Who will you be? Who will love you and Who will hate you? These things say something about "You."

You have to feel happy. Even when the world gives you reasons not to.
Remember, it's a balance of things...the world will always give you reasons to be happy, the same way it will also give you reasons not to be happy.

Our history tells us that nothing has ever been pure. There has never been a purely good world, or a purely evil world. It has always been a sum of both.

It's up to You as the INDIVIDUAL to give power to either side - the good or bad in the world, the good or bad in You, the good or bad in the people's llife you enter and you let enter yours

Life has always gifted life and we can do whatever we want with our Life. But every cause (everything we do as individuals and as a whole human race) has it's effect. What you give is what you get, what you sow is what you reap.

Whether or not the Christian or Muslim God is real, whether Jesus' story is 100% true or false, whether the Big Bang Theory makes some or no sense at all....

It is all the same story.

There was nothing, and "something" happened.

"Something" begin to exist...

Whether it was God, or just by CHANCE.... it HAPPENED, and the result is Now.

 We're here.

God had life and gave that life to us
The Universe gave life to planets; our planet gave life to us; we give life to our children 

 We're here now. We have Life now. We continue to gift Life.

We should appreciate our gift. 
We are all special, simply because we ARE.
We ARE EXISTING. That is WHY. That is WHAT. That is WHO. Now is WHEN. Here is WHERE. HOW - ? We're here. That's what MATTERS. Our existence.

We change this world by being alive in it. We change the people who live on this planet just by introducing them to our own personal existence as an individual. We change the lives of the other species/creatures/animals that live here by killing them or feeding them.

We can do whatever we want. But what we DO, will ALWAYS have it's repercussions. 
What will you do, what will you choose, and how will you execute your choice....

Kill a million jews, or feed the starving children in Africa.
Good, bad, bad,'s what you're doing, it's what is being done, so that is what HAPPENS. That is the story that is written because we write it as we go...

What will You give more power to?

There is always a constant struggle; conflict between opposing forces, beliefs, ideologies, religions, philosophies, theories....

In the end it's up to the Person to decide what they will invest their time and effort in. 
We're all MAGICAL beings. When we focus on something we want, and make that happen - THAT IS PURE MAGIC.

Some people stand up and fight for what they BELIEVE in, while some just watch their world dwindle away as they BELIEVE that it is all worthless and meaningless....

Some people just decide it's too hard, and kill themselves and end their Life, end their story, end their part in this world. While some people write music, create movies, win the nobel peace prize - and become legends.  

It's all in what we do. 

It's our story. All we have is our history, our past, and our now.
Our future is what we hope for, it's what keeps us living Now because we want to keep seeing what happens next....but WE ARE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT. What we do is what happens's what you choose to strive for to happen next that MATTERS...Believe in Something, believe in You.

The future does not exist. It is not promised. We don't last forever. Our history (our reference point and guideline) has proved this.

 All we have is right now, and what we're doing with right Now defines our time, our people, our Life, and our Story

And as long as we continue to Live, as long as Life continues to do we, and so does our story...until there is no more.

Our cultures and societies have tried to school us on what is right, wrong, good, or bad... 
But they all have opposing views...just like religions do. just like PEOPLE do. 
Not everyone does things the same.
Not everyone thinks the same things are right wrong good or bad.

That is why when society or culture tries to tell us what is right wrong good or bad, if the individual disagrees, we begin to feel conflicted because we want to be happy for our own sake an individual, but what makes us happy -> society disagrees -> so we try to conform to GROUPTHINK.

When we conform..we lose ourselves --> unhappiness emerges with full force.
When the Spirit gets weak and begins to break, it takes a lot of LIGHT a lot of GUIDANCE and a lot of STRENGTH to BUILD You back up. But You need to find that strength. You need to LOOK for it. Or you won't ever see it in yourself. You will just see darkness, and want to give up.

Do not give up on You.
You are special.
You are needed.

Do what is right for Yourself. Keep HARMONY in check. Between You and Yourself, and You and others.

And move from there...

In the world we live in, we need to be a part of Society, we need to work for a "living."
But we cannot be a part of society, without knowing who we are and what part we want to play...
Without knowing who You are, You risk becoming somebody else; somebody You are NOT...You are just a product of your environment - you are no longer a You; just an 'else'. 

We cannot be insignificant. We all seek significance. And it's important what you DO with your significance.

We have to be really careful in this world. Everyone has different ideas, but the idea is to remember that NO ONE PERSON IS COMPLETELY RIGHT OR COMPLETELY WRONG.

We all live in this world, and we all want to be a part of it. 
 Remember: to stay true to Yourself, and who You are or risk never finding happiness...

Despite anything and everything around You, be who YOU are.
 who you REALLY are.

Be "good" to others.
Be "good" to Yourself.

Someone out there is thinking they want to be a cop, while someone else out there is thinking they want to be a killer... 

So one person will try and protect, while another is out to destroy -> in both persons, they are doing what they think is right and makes them happy. 

The killing of millions has always felt wrong to "sane" people like me, because in my personal opinion it wrong to kill anybody, to me that is evil...but to someone else, that is OKAY. They are blowing up a building because they believe God wants them to. It's CRAZY to me, but GODLY for them.

Life is STRANGE that way. There is good and bad, but no clear definition. 

In the end, not everyone agrees on what is great or what is evil.

That is why it is important as individuals to know who You are and what You stand for ; otherwise You will be living a lie.

Thank you for reading.

Valedictorian speaks out AGAINST schooling

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Possibility is Everywhere; In everything and everyone

Focus on Possibility

I feel that I am on the right track.

I am more hopeful, reasonable, sensible, loving, motivated, and inspired.


Today my reflections have been about the power of Focus.

The human mind has so much potential and that's without getting into the Human SPIRIT.

We have Life; that makes us powerful. We are here right now, so we mean something.

Focus on what you want and what you need; Do not focus on what you don't want and don't need.

Do not think about what you can't do, or what is impossible; Think only about what is possible for you.

"I can and will"

Once you FOCUS on what makes you special, and not on what you think makes you inferior you can make great and amazing things happen. Simply because you believe in Your own power.

Trust that we live in a world where there is no dominance. There is stability and balance. The only dominance that occurs is in YOU. You choose what dominates you - light or darkness. But there is both in all of us. That's why HARMONY is important. Equilibrium & Yin-Yang = HARMONY and BALANCE. We are not always right or always wrong. We are both; because not all of us believe in only one thing. This is important to remember. Once the person stops believing he is always right - true wisdom emerges. Respect the ideas of people around you. Every new experience or person you encounter is a challenge to Your person. Learn from these experience. Adapt, and evolve.
There is always more room to grow and to learn - more Life to live. Wisdom is endless...


Fear is a disease. The most fatal disease of the Human Race.
We want to be important to ourselves and to those we want to care about us. We get blinded fear and darkness and follow the rules, morals, and values that are not our own. That is when we get lost.

Conformity = losing yourself.
Groupthink = lack of conscience, awareness, and individual thought

Beware of fear. Beware of conformity. Beware of groupthink.

These are things that stops us from loving one another, and accepting each others individual thoughts, feelings and beliefs. Everything is everything; it is not just one thing - it is many things.

Complete Your Person - Be who you are - Believe in Possibility

Today I meditated I was in a meadow of bright purple grass, a green-blue sky with stars looking like Van Gogh painted it himself. I saw butterflies everywhere, I even imagined an Ice-Cream tree =)
I am realistic, but I also enjoy imagination.
Stay grounded, but explore new ideas.
Be open. Be free. be You.
And always, Love.

"Tighten Up" - The Black Keys

Very well said, performed and portrayed < 3

Watch their Video Playlist on Youtube.

Harmonizer Clarifier - This is me. I'd love to meet you.

I took a Personality Assessment test and the results I got were amazing.
I answered the questions accurately based on how I am most of the time vs. how I have acted recently vs. how I've decided I want to be , and I got the PERFECT analysis. Even if it doesn't describe how I've always behaved, it describes exactly how I want to think and be. 

I took the test through an iPhone app, "Personality Types" $2.99


Harmonizer Clarifier: Introverting, iNtuiting, Feeling, Perceiving (INFP)

Themes is advocacy and integrity. Talents lie in helping people clarify issues, values, and identity. Support anything that allows the unfolding of the person. Encourage growth and development with quiet enthusiasm. Loyal advocates and champions, caring deeply about their causes and a few special people. Interested in contemplating life's mysteries, virtues, and vices in their search for wholeness. Thrive on healing conflicts, within and between, and taking people to the center of the themselves.

Keywords to Influence (a person of this type):
Believable, Daydream, Go with the flow, Good, Harmony, Inspiring. Interesting, Listen, Meaning, Myth, Opposites, Peace, Private, Quest, Underdog, Unique Gift


  • goes with the flow
  • knows what is behind what is said
  • uncovers mysteries
  • explores moral questions
  • has talent for facilitative listening
  • relates through stories and metaphors
  • balances opposites
  • gets reacquainted with themselves
  • has a way of knowing what is believable
  • struggles with structure and getting their lives in order


On the inside: "Introverted Feeling"
~Typical behaviors:

  • Stay true to who you really are
  • Pay close attention to your personal identity and beliefs
  • Check with your conscience before you act
  • Choose behavior congruent with what is important to you
  • Go with what is most motivating

Questions to ask:

  1. What is important to you personally?
  2. What do you feel is the "good thing" to do, regardless of what others think and say?
  3. Do you believe in yourself to handle the situation?
  4. If you were to do a certain action, what would your conscience say?
  5. What is a typical human reaction to this situation?

On the Outside: "Extraverted Intuiting" 
~Typical behaviors:

  • Explore emerging patterns
  • Wonder what if about patterns of interaction across various situations
  • Check what hypotheses are most meaningful
  • Shift the dynamics of a situation and trust what emerges
  • Brainstorm and go wherever ideas take you

Questions to ask: 

  1. What if you could change just one small thing about the situation? What might that be?
  2. Is something like this happening right now elsewhere in your life?
  3. Could you use a metaphor or analogy to describe what's going on?
  4. How does the analogy or metaphor suggest a way to shift the situation?
  5. What if something new came into your life?

Leading Edge: "Introverted Sensing"
~Typical behaviors:

  • Stabilize with a predictable standard.
  • Carefully compare a situation to precedents, known data, and customary ways you've come to rely on.
  • Check with past experiences.
  • Trust and stay with what is familiar.
  • Stabilize the situation and invest for future security

Questions to ask:

  1. What have you become accustomed to?
  2. Has a similar situation happened before? Let's review in detail how the two compare.
  3. What's typical or expected in this situation?
  4. What are ways to stabilize the situation?
  5. How can you invest for the future?


Problem Solving: "Catalyst"
Catalysts notice problems and solve them in a way that is abstract, motive-oriented, and affiliative.
Language: Catalysts respond to input that is diffuse, holistic, global, and impressionistic. This includes stories, metaphors, and ideas that speak to everyone.
Attention: Catalysts seek out "What's going on deep down in the other person?" Analyzing and engaging a person's hidden and emotional life.
Interaction: Catalysts strive for harmony between and individual's unique identity and the values of people in the larger group.

On a Team:

  • prefers to work behind the scenes
  • often provides comfort and support in the background
  • identifies and flows harmoniously with the situation and what's needed.
  • gets the best results possible by continually seeking and drawing upon input from outside.
  • responds after others initiate, and tends to patiently offer ideas, or reflection
  • might be perceived as slow, distant, or passive aggressive


Temperament: "Catalyst" 


  • Significance
  • Authentic Interaction
  • Unique Identity
  • Personal and Human Meaning
  • Ethics

 Catalysts find meaning in stories and themes for authentic interaction

Main Contribution:
Catalysts inspire human potential.  <3 <3 <3

Common Pitfalls:

  1. When under high stress, or when lacking a sense of identity or authentic relationships, a Catalyst might: 
  2. place beliefs above people
  3. love the world, but find they cannot seem to get along with anyone in it
  4. remain honest to themselves, but not with others about themselves
  5. cling to beliefs in contradiction to reality
  6. believe objectivity is impossible
  7. suddenly find that their perceptions of people are no longer accurate
  8. get lost in a relationship or group
  9. talk or dream without action

Reminders for Growth:

  • Connect with people who create the kind of organization where you can be empathetic.
  • Try to stay "tuned in" to alternate beliefs.
  • Pay some attention to your health and physical environment - it's not as scary as you imagine.
  • Try to gather three facts about important situations, even if you must ask.
  • With a project, try to do a little work everyday.
  • When something seems unbelievable, consider what is really an aspect of your identity and what is simply a hasty evaluation about its worth.
  • If you can't "be there" emotionally for a person, then introduce them to someone who can.
  • Realize that your words may cause people to reconsider who they are and what they believe in.
  • Good reasoning involves considering multiple counter-arguments.
  • Ground your beliefs in the lives of many real people.
  • If you're going to use an idea ethically, then seriously learn the specifics.
  • Don't get seduced by the "dark side" of a reactionary identity.
  • It's okay to imagine "as if" you had a certain plan.
  • If you want to hear what sounds good, consider how you can work out the negative feelings.

Views on Personality: "Catalysts" typically say the following when asked about their personality or Type Theory:

  • I have all the personalities inside of me.
  • I believe that everyone has unlimited potential - it's part of being human.
  • I value all types of people.
  • One's personality is more like a story; maybe self-defines with influence from our relationships.
  • I feel that this is who I am: I value...

"Everything is Everything" - Lauryn Hill

"It seems we lose the game,
Before we even start to play
Who made these rules? We're so confused
Let's love ourselves then we can't fail
To make a better situation
Tomorrow, our seeds will grow
All we need is dedication"

Honestly, get her entire album. This is just one of ALL her songs that I would love to post.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

"How to deal with People Who Frustrate You" - David

- taken from: "How to Deal With People Who Frustrate You" - David

"If you graciously accept the role of student and open yourself up to the wisdom of the enlightened individuals all around you, you’ll be miles ahead of the curve, and your wisdom will be no accident."

What are you doing?

Life just keeps on giving...

We all wonder why life matters. Why we're all here.
This whole thing matters. Because we believe it does.

If you stop believing in You, you stop writing your story.

A story that you have the power to make great or meaningless. It's always up to You.

You will reap what you sow. These are not quotes. This is the Truth. It's what our ancestors also knew before us. The message gets passed along in so many ways. But we  tend to get blinded by fear and darkness; from the evil we experience in this world, in nature,  in others, and in ourselves. It blinds us from seeing the light in Life. We can't see when we're not trying to see. If we give up, we are not looking anymore. If Life doesn't matter, then it won't. But believe that it matters, and it will. There is both good and evil in this world. That is obvious. So why are we always causing so much drama when something bad happens if something good is going to happen, too! That's life! All the bad and all the good that happens is always because of Us. We all play a part of Life. We reap what We sow. If we want life to change, then we need to change it. If you don't like what's going on, change it. This is Your life. Do what you Will with it. But remember, every cause has it's effect. Karma is real. You will always get what you deserve. Everything is fair as long as we keep choosing what we're choosing; avoid hypocrisy. We're creating everything, this whole story. This is our book, our movie, our playwright, our world, our LIFE! WE WRITE EVERYTHING. Nothing happens unless we CHOOSE for it, too.

We're all here together, we all affect each others story.

Why do we sometimes call each other family, friend, neighbor, or enemy? Because we find people we want to tell our story with, and we create a life together. We're all relevant and we're all connected. Don't underestimate your fellow human. The same way you can change things, they can, too. Survival of the fittest! Some people kill themselves, some people become legends. And everyone's story connects together and it writes what we call Life; what our ancestors have lived through and what we're living through Now.
Our past is real. We're only here because of it. Our ancestors chose to love or hate each other, but they always continued to create Life together and the result is our world, Now. Everything is in the present. There is no future, yet. Only the past, the stories of what has happened from billions of years ago before which led up to the events of RIGHT NOW.

We're alive. Right now. That's what makes us powerful.
Life is the gift that keeps giving and anything can happen. We can't plan everything, but we can try our best to create as we live along and make the choices we're making. The Law of Nature and our past has given us what we have now.

So, what are we doing with right Now. Someone is at the movies, at a cemetary, in the garden, by the stove, on the telephone, watching television, eating dinner, letting go of their problems, talking to their friend, saving the world, destroying the world, just met someone else who's really cool, or updating their facebook status.....etc.

There is so much going on in Life. You are a part of it, because you're You and because You're here. You decide how big of a part you want to be. Our Fathers lived, and we learn their history and tell their story, while We continue to write our story right now. We all exist and we all play a part. No matter what we decide to believe in, the truth of things is Now. The future never happened. We can assume that the people we gift and give Life to will tell OUR story of right Now once we've lived and gone away because nothing is for certain and nothing lasts forever. We can only validate the story of our past, hoping for a future is what keeps us living in the present. You have to LIVE in the present. All we have is NOW. I can't stress that enough. The future is NOT promised. The future DEPENDS on US as individuals, and as a whole human race. We all make a difference. Whether we live or we die, we affect everyone's story.

We affect our mom and dad, our moms and dads affect us, we affect our children and they affect us...
We affect our neighbors and vice versa, we affect the starving children around the world that we're either feeding or not feeding because we're either feeding them or not feeding them, even our pets and all the other wondrous animals of the world affect us. We all choose what is happening at, right Now. But again, don't underestimate your fellow human being because they can change your life the same way you can change their life and the story of Life itself which is occuring... ... right Now =)

Everything has always experienced 'change' since the beginning, and everything always keeps changing because the people and everything in this world keep changing. Nothing stays the same, and nothing lasts forever and so far we can assume that neither will we. If existence continues to exist, more Life will come after us. What will they tell of our time? But we won't ever even know what will happen in Theirs if they arrive. All we know is NOW, and what we leave behind for them.

By the way,I ain't sayin' nothin' new that hasn't been said before. I am just putting this all into my own words. This is good for me. I am happy to write all this. I hope this is good for you, too.

Everything stays in balance. Everything is fair. There is no right or wrong; good or bad. There is both. But we all see it differently. Figure out for yourself how you see it; the people you want in it and person you want to be .Versus the rules of society and of culture. Beware of groupthink. Find yourself, and love yourself completely. You matter. We all matter. Because we're alive. We're all here. Now.

What are you doing?

*video is a little weird but great song none-the-less.

READ THIS OR NOT....THIS EPISODE OF FUTURAMA IS A MUST-SEE! "The Late Phillip J. Fry" - concept: end of the universe & rebirth.

.... Life ...

I think I just figured out LIFE.

I will elaborate soon.

I am Light and Darkness

*when i speak of darkness, i speak of a bad darkness...
sometimes darkness is needed to keep things is balance...equillibrium..
in the case of this post..i speak of a darkness that destroys the light in people, the light in life.

It's no secret.

There are good people and bad people.
But those good people are still capable of being bad, and those bad people are still capable of being good.
Their choices and their actions show us their character.
We know by what they do, if they are bad people or good people.

But don't be fooled by a good person doing bad, and thinking they are bad. Dont be fooled by a bad person doing good, and thinking they are good.
Remember, we're all capable of both.

It's a constant battle. We are fighting ourselves. We have a darkness to us that makes us want to join the dark side of this world, but we also have a light that makes us want to shine. 
What side of you will you let win?
Will you join the dark side, or shine your light?

Believe this world is an evil place, and that is what you will see.
Believe this world is a good place, and that is what you will see.
Believe this world is a good and evil place, and you will see both good and evil.
Believe that you are good, and you will be and do good.
Believe that you are evil, and you will be and do evil.
Believe that you are both good and evil, and you will be both good and evil. 
Believe that you can choose to be one over the other, and you will be that one; believe that you can side with the good in the world, and you will be on good's side.

If you believe darkness has taken over this world, the reality is that darkness has taken over you and you are adding to the darkness of this world.

If you believe light has the power to conquer darkness, you believe you have the power to change the world.

it's been forever since people claim the world will end/ the world is doomed for destruction.
Why try to change the world if it's going to end? Why try to be good, why try anything at all...

Try because you are here. We know nothing.
We believe in many things, we believe in no-things.
There are opposing forces in everything and everyone.

Make the choice to do wrong, and wrong will come.
Make the choice to do right, and right will come.
Make the choice to do nothing, and nothing will come.
Make the choice to do wrong for what you believe is right, and right will come for the wrong reasons.

What you what you get.
What you throw out in the world will come back to you.
karma, justice, balance..

we say the world is not fair.
but the world is exactly fair.

"This isn't my fault"
Some things are the consequences of another man's actions or because of harsh conditions of the environment and we can't help but say the world is not fair. But what is "fair?"

Food for thought:
Your house burns down, because your next door neighbors meth lab exploded.
Your kids were shot walking home because there was a drive-by shooting between gangs they were not involved in.
Your husband drives to work and is killed by a drunk driver.
You lose your job because someone cheated their way in and took your position.

You did not have a meth lab and you never did drugs, you protected your children and lived in a safe neighborhood, you never drink and drive, and you worked hard and did everything that was right to gain your position at your feel you have always been a good person doing the right things, you're not perfect...but you try to be and this is what you get? this is your reward? to lose almost everything and everyone you love?

What will you do after this? Will you decide this a cold-blooded world so it's time to freeze your own blood? Or will you light a fire within you to stand up and get mad at how much darkness has taken over your neighbors, those gangs, and crooked men...and fight to protect your light and rekindle it in others?

All is fair as long as we continue stand by and let our light be taken away by dark forces of the universe & decide it's easier to become darkness. It's fair because we're choosing for darkness to win by not fighting against it.

We all have that CHOICE. That is why whatever that happens ALWAYS fair.
It's not RIGHT....but it is FAIR. You reap what you sow.

It's no secret that Good vs. Evil has been around since the beginning of life...
We should not be surprised that even though we do good, bad things happen...
It's up to us to stay and choose to be good and fight in the battle that has been going on since before we were placed on this earth.....

Choose LIGHT.
Do not let DARKNESS steal your LIGHT.
Do not let your own DARKNESS take over your LIGHT.
Always fight for whats right...always fight for your light...

Do not let Darkness win......... fight it with full force.

Do not forget that it's here to kill and to destroy LIGHT...
it's not here to be "fair.."

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

I am Love

*when i speak of "GOD"..i speak of our life and our light; our energy that keeps us alive

The Universe is living and breathing.
Earth is our home planet. A gift.

Sequence of events:

We dream, we create, we live, we love. We evolve. We perfect. We choose.

ex. good or bad; right or wrong

We stop dreaming, cease creation, suffer, hate. Diminish. Degrade. Choice is made.

Equillibrium; Yin-Yang.
In life, there is conflict between two opposing forces - ex. love & hate, joy and pain.

I am love.
What am I?
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. 11When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. 12Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
1 Corinthians 13:4-12
New International Version

It is not about religion. It is about a connection to something greater, bigger, and better.
The bible, whether written by is God-inspired.
God is in us. God is love. We are love. We are God-created.
It is not about a Man in the Sky. It is not about a strict line between heaven or hell.
It is about choosing to attain a heaven, or creating a hell for ourselves.

Without each and everyone in this universe; life would be incomplete.
We each have a position to fill - and that is ourselves.
Self-realization & self-actualization.
Become who you are.

If you achieve your position through selfishness and wrong-doing and not through love and truth - consider the accomplishment "Null and Void."
"Men who lack conscience will even lie to themselves" - Lauryn Hill

"And thinks with his heart" - India.Arie

Your mind is fertile ground. Seeds have been planted, and nurtured throughout the years. Fear is infectious. A disease that spreads.
We have become a slave to our thinking - sometimes believing in our very own lies.
You're heart always feels what is genuine and true. When the heart is manipulated and lied to, there is risk of becoming numb, ignorant, and avoidant of truth.
Follow you're heart. It is how you feel. What you think, is not always real. Love will never fail, unless you think that it will. But love is still always there. You just have to be aware.
There is good, and there is bad. People can be happy, people can be sad.
But until you were sad, you did not know you were happy. Appreciate what you have, or you will learn when you no longer have it. Learn from the past, learn from your mistakes.

God is more than a man, more than a woman.
God is in every one of us. We are all love.
We create what comes next. We perfect what was created before.
God perfects us. We evolve. We choose.
But what will we choose....that is what is important.

"Free will; God does not choose for us."
We are free to be who we want. We are born with our gifts, our burdens, our sins (of our fathers) We experience life and we begin a journey to express ourselves everyday and change the world we live in just by living in it. Nothing stays the same, because we never stay the same. We keep changing, and we change what has already been changed; on to the next thing; every next thing is a choice we make (whether its blindly or mindfully made)...& every choice has it's effect.
You will reap what you sow. Time is continuous, moments meshing together...
What is this all leading up to?
STOP YOURSELF DAILY to think of what you are doing and how you are real, true, and honest. Otherwise, you are wasting time and you are wasting You.
The answers are within us, we have to unlock the secret levels of our mind, body, and spirit in order to achieve our Truth. Challenge yourself, and knock down every threat.

"Now everybody got the game figured out all wrong
I guess you never know what you got till its gone
I guess this is why I'm here and I cant come back home
And guess when I heard that when I was back home

Every interview I'm representing you making you proud
Reach for the stars so if you fall you land on a cloud" - Kanye West

Who am I? Why am I? What am I? Where am I? How am I? 
I am love. Because I was born. I am Human; I inhabit a soul and a spirit given to me by a greater force of energy or being; God. I am on Planet Earth. I feel, I think, I see, I touch, I smell, I hear. 

Religion vs. Spirituality

The rules of life are embedded in us.
We can choose to be light or darkness.
We can choose to follow light or darkness.
The world is a stable place; justice, karma, balance.
What you give is what you get.
If you give light, you will receive light.
If you plant an apple seed, you will reap an apple tree.
If you choose darkness, you will receive darkness.

God, the Devil, Angels, & demons..

We create, we project.
Survival of the fittest.

What came first: the chicken or the egg?
God or us?

God is us. 
We all seek love and happiness.

When our mind is infected with fear and hate, our spirit becomes weak. 
The spirit is the hardest thing to mend.
The heart feels everything.
If you do not follow what you're heart feels,  you are going against yourself.
If you go against love, you are choosing lies and hatred.

Do not be afraid to be you.
You have a position to fill. 
and that is You.
You are a part of LIFE.
LIFE needs you to be COMPLETE.
We always have a choice.
There is never "no way out"
Choose Life.
Choose Love.
Choose You.
Choose Truth.

Everything will flourish.

She don't believe in shootin' stars,
but she believe in shoes & cars. - Kanye West

These were thoughts I had as I meditated.
I do not have all the answers.
But I am seeking truth, and I trust that my Spirit will be guided towards it.
"The Secret" has influenced me to become more aware of my existence. I meditated so that I could clear my mind, and become aware...
We tend to keep moving with Life and we let our experiences build up and our thoughts continue without our awareness of them. We are so caught up that we forget to STOP and actually become aware of our thoughts, and not just "programmed." I think it's so important to clear your head and let it flow freely. Because that is when you are in control of your thoughts, and your thoughts don't control You.