I took a Personality Assessment test and the results I got were amazing.
I answered the questions accurately based on how I am most of the time vs. how I have acted recently vs. how I've decided I want to be , and I got the PERFECT analysis. Even if it doesn't describe how I've always behaved, it describes exactly how I want to think and be.
I took the test through an iPhone app, "Personality Types" $2.99
Harmonizer Clarifier: Introverting, iNtuiting, Feeling, Perceiving (INFP)
Themes is advocacy and integrity. Talents lie in helping people clarify issues, values, and identity. Support anything that allows the unfolding of the person. Encourage growth and development with quiet enthusiasm. Loyal advocates and champions, caring deeply about their causes and a few special people. Interested in contemplating life's mysteries, virtues, and vices in their search for wholeness. Thrive on healing conflicts, within and between, and taking people to the center of the themselves.
Keywords to Influence (a person of this type):
Believable, Daydream, Go with the flow, Good, Harmony, Inspiring. Interesting, Listen, Meaning, Myth, Opposites, Peace, Private, Quest, Underdog, Unique Gift
- goes with the flow
- knows what is behind what is said
- uncovers mysteries
- explores moral questions
- has talent for facilitative listening
- relates through stories and metaphors
- balances opposites
- gets reacquainted with themselves
- has a way of knowing what is believable
- struggles with structure and getting their lives in order
On the inside: "Introverted Feeling"
~Typical behaviors:
- Stay true to who you really are
- Pay close attention to your personal identity and beliefs
- Check with your conscience before you act
- Choose behavior congruent with what is important to you
- Go with what is most motivating
Questions to ask:
- What is important to you personally?
- What do you feel is the "good thing" to do, regardless of what others think and say?
- Do you believe in yourself to handle the situation?
- If you were to do a certain action, what would your conscience say?
- What is a typical human reaction to this situation?
On the Outside: "Extraverted Intuiting"
~Typical behaviors:
- Explore emerging patterns
- Wonder what if about patterns of interaction across various situations
- Check what hypotheses are most meaningful
- Shift the dynamics of a situation and trust what emerges
- Brainstorm and go wherever ideas take you
Questions to ask:
- What if you could change just one small thing about the situation? What might that be?
- Is something like this happening right now elsewhere in your life?
- Could you use a metaphor or analogy to describe what's going on?
- How does the analogy or metaphor suggest a way to shift the situation?
- What if something new came into your life?
Leading Edge: "Introverted Sensing"
~Typical behaviors:
- Stabilize with a predictable standard.
- Carefully compare a situation to precedents, known data, and customary ways you've come to rely on.
- Check with past experiences.
- Trust and stay with what is familiar.
- Stabilize the situation and invest for future security
Questions to ask:
- What have you become accustomed to?
- Has a similar situation happened before? Let's review in detail how the two compare.
- What's typical or expected in this situation?
- What are ways to stabilize the situation?
- How can you invest for the future?
Problem Solving: "Catalyst"
Catalysts notice problems and solve them in a way that is abstract, motive-oriented, and affiliative.
Language: Catalysts respond to input that is diffuse, holistic, global, and impressionistic. This includes stories, metaphors, and ideas that speak to everyone.
Attention: Catalysts seek out "What's going on deep down in the other person?" Analyzing and engaging a person's hidden and emotional life.
Interaction: Catalysts strive for harmony between and individual's unique identity and the values of people in the larger group.
On a Team:
- prefers to work behind the scenes
- often provides comfort and support in the background
- identifies and flows harmoniously with the situation and what's needed.
- gets the best results possible by continually seeking and drawing upon input from outside.
- responds after others initiate, and tends to patiently offer ideas, or reflection
- might be perceived as slow, distant, or passive aggressive
Temperament: "Catalyst"
- Significance
- Authentic Interaction
- Unique Identity
- Personal and Human Meaning
- Ethics
Catalysts find meaning in stories and themes for authentic interaction
Main Contribution:
Catalysts inspire human potential. <3 <3 <3
Common Pitfalls:
- When under high stress, or when lacking a sense of identity or authentic relationships, a Catalyst might:
- place beliefs above people
- love the world, but find they cannot seem to get along with anyone in it
- remain honest to themselves, but not with others about themselves
- cling to beliefs in contradiction to reality
- believe objectivity is impossible
- suddenly find that their perceptions of people are no longer accurate
- get lost in a relationship or group
- talk or dream without action
Reminders for Growth:
- Connect with people who create the kind of organization where you can be empathetic.
- Try to stay "tuned in" to alternate beliefs.
- Pay some attention to your health and physical environment - it's not as scary as you imagine.
- Try to gather three facts about important situations, even if you must ask.
- With a project, try to do a little work everyday.
- When something seems unbelievable, consider what is really an aspect of your identity and what is simply a hasty evaluation about its worth.
- If you can't "be there" emotionally for a person, then introduce them to someone who can.
- Realize that your words may cause people to reconsider who they are and what they believe in.
- Good reasoning involves considering multiple counter-arguments.
- Ground your beliefs in the lives of many real people.
- If you're going to use an idea ethically, then seriously learn the specifics.
- Don't get seduced by the "dark side" of a reactionary identity.
- It's okay to imagine "as if" you had a certain plan.
- If you want to hear what sounds good, consider how you can work out the negative feelings.
Views on Personality: "Catalysts" typically say the following when asked about their personality or Type Theory:
- I have all the personalities inside of me.
- I believe that everyone has unlimited potential - it's part of being human.
- I value all types of people.
- One's personality is more like a story; maybe self-defines with influence from our relationships.
- I feel that this is who I am: I value...
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