Friday, August 06, 2010


hold your ground. keep your shine lit.
All the hate in this world is a result of people caging in who they really are; of guarding themselves due to fear; of all the hate and darkness that has occurred before and continues to multiply within ourselves as we cultivate it with our own hate and our own darkness. Catharsis: free your spirit. Be you.

**For the reader, what you will find here has been stated in previous posts of mine.

I may sound repetitive, but practice makes perfect.
These words are for me to grow and learn from, I will keep writing stuff like this even if I am saying the same thing over and over again. These words are also for the reader whose path happens to come across my life in this blog: You are special. You matter. Be somebody; be You. Because You are here, Now.

Who are you? Who are you choosing to share Your Life with? What are you doing?

You are still alive. You still have Life in you...
Why give up Your gift of "something?" 
We all have a story to's up to us as individuals to write our own story; to give up is to not appreciate the gift we have.

Life is a gift that keeps on giving; life gives life which gives life which gives life, etc.
The world is constantly labeled as "unfair"
But ALL is fair... because the world is what we make of it.
 "What you what you'll get"
Good brings good, bad brings bad... both emerge in all realities.

This world is a stable place; everything is in balance; Justice, Karma...
You can't have one thing and not the other; no joy without pain. no love without hate.
It's what has been true since the beginning of Life.

The idea is never to give up.
Your job as a Human Spirit is to find happiness within Yourself and to not let the unhappiness or dark ways of others suck You into Your own darkness.
You have to continue to stand strong and be your own shining light against whatever hits You; if you keep failing to learn the lesson Life is trying to teach you, then you risk falling into the same traps, and dealing with the same challenges with just as much difficulty; example; video games; you keep trying to get past Level 1, but every time you reach the end of the castle the same dragon kills you because you always jump too low off the ledge to get past him to the other side. You know if you try to aim higher, you can get past him, so you keep trying until you succeed. If you don't try, and just keep repeating the same failing action, you will face the challenge with the same amount of difficulty every time.

The only way to get past darkness is to keep shining. To keep the fire of Life that is in You brightly LIT.

You do this by always doing what is right by YOU. The people around you matter; this is true. But you have to matter for yourself, before anybody else can mean anything to you, too. 

Do not lot this world change You. You are the one with the power to change this world; for better or for worse.

But always keep in mind to BE THE REAL YOU. Your goal is complete your Person. To attain Your personal Truth.

Do the "right" thing. You classify what is "right." Somebody can give you their opinion, and pass on advice, but it is always up to you to agree or disagree. It is in your agreement or disagreement, that you have decided what is wrong or right for You.

Even if you believe everyone around You is doing wrong, it is up to You to keep doing what You believe is right.

By staying True to Yourself, You will achieve Happiness.

If you begin to let Yourself feel upset due to the hurtful and/or evil actions of others or nature, take this as a sign that You are letting Yourself succumb to your dark side; the side in You that makes You believe that You are not special.

By succumbing, You are submitting Yourself by CHOICE to become darker, and colder.
You are doing what You feel is right by You, but when you let the darkness of others blow out the warmth and light of Your candle - you sacrifice your happiness even though you feel deep down that You have been doing what is good.

You have to feel happy with Yourself. You reward yourself. Do not depend on the approval and satisfaction of others. Yes, they matter just like You matter. But THEY are not YOU. They are here to love or hate you, but You need to be a YOU for them to Love or Hate. Who will you be? Who will love you and Who will hate you? These things say something about "You."

You have to feel happy. Even when the world gives you reasons not to.
Remember, it's a balance of things...the world will always give you reasons to be happy, the same way it will also give you reasons not to be happy.

Our history tells us that nothing has ever been pure. There has never been a purely good world, or a purely evil world. It has always been a sum of both.

It's up to You as the INDIVIDUAL to give power to either side - the good or bad in the world, the good or bad in You, the good or bad in the people's llife you enter and you let enter yours

Life has always gifted life and we can do whatever we want with our Life. But every cause (everything we do as individuals and as a whole human race) has it's effect. What you give is what you get, what you sow is what you reap.

Whether or not the Christian or Muslim God is real, whether Jesus' story is 100% true or false, whether the Big Bang Theory makes some or no sense at all....

It is all the same story.

There was nothing, and "something" happened.

"Something" begin to exist...

Whether it was God, or just by CHANCE.... it HAPPENED, and the result is Now.

 We're here.

God had life and gave that life to us
The Universe gave life to planets; our planet gave life to us; we give life to our children 

 We're here now. We have Life now. We continue to gift Life.

We should appreciate our gift. 
We are all special, simply because we ARE.
We ARE EXISTING. That is WHY. That is WHAT. That is WHO. Now is WHEN. Here is WHERE. HOW - ? We're here. That's what MATTERS. Our existence.

We change this world by being alive in it. We change the people who live on this planet just by introducing them to our own personal existence as an individual. We change the lives of the other species/creatures/animals that live here by killing them or feeding them.

We can do whatever we want. But what we DO, will ALWAYS have it's repercussions. 
What will you do, what will you choose, and how will you execute your choice....

Kill a million jews, or feed the starving children in Africa.
Good, bad, bad,'s what you're doing, it's what is being done, so that is what HAPPENS. That is the story that is written because we write it as we go...

What will You give more power to?

There is always a constant struggle; conflict between opposing forces, beliefs, ideologies, religions, philosophies, theories....

In the end it's up to the Person to decide what they will invest their time and effort in. 
We're all MAGICAL beings. When we focus on something we want, and make that happen - THAT IS PURE MAGIC.

Some people stand up and fight for what they BELIEVE in, while some just watch their world dwindle away as they BELIEVE that it is all worthless and meaningless....

Some people just decide it's too hard, and kill themselves and end their Life, end their story, end their part in this world. While some people write music, create movies, win the nobel peace prize - and become legends.  

It's all in what we do. 

It's our story. All we have is our history, our past, and our now.
Our future is what we hope for, it's what keeps us living Now because we want to keep seeing what happens next....but WE ARE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT. What we do is what happens's what you choose to strive for to happen next that MATTERS...Believe in Something, believe in You.

The future does not exist. It is not promised. We don't last forever. Our history (our reference point and guideline) has proved this.

 All we have is right now, and what we're doing with right Now defines our time, our people, our Life, and our Story

And as long as we continue to Live, as long as Life continues to do we, and so does our story...until there is no more.

Our cultures and societies have tried to school us on what is right, wrong, good, or bad... 
But they all have opposing views...just like religions do. just like PEOPLE do. 
Not everyone does things the same.
Not everyone thinks the same things are right wrong good or bad.

That is why when society or culture tries to tell us what is right wrong good or bad, if the individual disagrees, we begin to feel conflicted because we want to be happy for our own sake an individual, but what makes us happy -> society disagrees -> so we try to conform to GROUPTHINK.

When we conform..we lose ourselves --> unhappiness emerges with full force.
When the Spirit gets weak and begins to break, it takes a lot of LIGHT a lot of GUIDANCE and a lot of STRENGTH to BUILD You back up. But You need to find that strength. You need to LOOK for it. Or you won't ever see it in yourself. You will just see darkness, and want to give up.

Do not give up on You.
You are special.
You are needed.

Do what is right for Yourself. Keep HARMONY in check. Between You and Yourself, and You and others.

And move from there...

In the world we live in, we need to be a part of Society, we need to work for a "living."
But we cannot be a part of society, without knowing who we are and what part we want to play...
Without knowing who You are, You risk becoming somebody else; somebody You are NOT...You are just a product of your environment - you are no longer a You; just an 'else'. 

We cannot be insignificant. We all seek significance. And it's important what you DO with your significance.

We have to be really careful in this world. Everyone has different ideas, but the idea is to remember that NO ONE PERSON IS COMPLETELY RIGHT OR COMPLETELY WRONG.

We all live in this world, and we all want to be a part of it. 
 Remember: to stay true to Yourself, and who You are or risk never finding happiness...

Despite anything and everything around You, be who YOU are.
 who you REALLY are.

Be "good" to others.
Be "good" to Yourself.

Someone out there is thinking they want to be a cop, while someone else out there is thinking they want to be a killer... 

So one person will try and protect, while another is out to destroy -> in both persons, they are doing what they think is right and makes them happy. 

The killing of millions has always felt wrong to "sane" people like me, because in my personal opinion it wrong to kill anybody, to me that is evil...but to someone else, that is OKAY. They are blowing up a building because they believe God wants them to. It's CRAZY to me, but GODLY for them.

Life is STRANGE that way. There is good and bad, but no clear definition. 

In the end, not everyone agrees on what is great or what is evil.

That is why it is important as individuals to know who You are and what You stand for ; otherwise You will be living a lie.

Thank you for reading.

Valedictorian speaks out AGAINST schooling