Life just keeps on giving...
We all wonder why life matters. Why we're all here.
This whole thing matters. Because we believe it does.
If you stop believing in You, you stop writing your story.
A story that you have the power to make great or meaningless. It's always up to You.
You will reap what you sow. These are not quotes. This is the Truth. It's what our ancestors also knew before us. The message gets passed along in so many ways. But we tend to get blinded by fear and darkness; from the evil we experience in this world, in nature, in others, and in ourselves. It blinds us from seeing the light in Life. We can't see when we're not trying to see. If we give up, we are not looking anymore. If Life doesn't matter, then it won't. But believe that it matters, and it will. There is both good and evil in this world. That is obvious. So why are we always causing so much drama when something bad happens if something good is going to happen, too! That's life! All the bad and all the good that happens is always because of Us. We all play a part of Life. We reap what We sow. If we want life to change, then we need to change it. If you don't like what's going on, change it. This is Your life. Do what you Will with it. But remember, every cause has it's effect. Karma is real. You will always get what you deserve. Everything is fair as long as we keep choosing what we're choosing; avoid hypocrisy. We're creating everything, this whole story. This is our book, our movie, our playwright, our world, our LIFE! WE WRITE EVERYTHING. Nothing happens unless we CHOOSE for it, too.
We're all here together, we all affect each others story.
Why do we sometimes call each other family, friend, neighbor, or enemy? Because we find people we want to tell our story with, and we create a life together. We're all relevant and we're all connected. Don't underestimate your fellow human. The same way you can change things, they can, too. Survival of the fittest! Some people kill themselves, some people become legends. And everyone's story connects together and it writes what we call Life; what our ancestors have lived through and what we're living through Now.
Our past is real. We're only here because of it. Our ancestors chose to love or hate each other, but they always continued to create Life together and the result is our world, Now. Everything is in the present. There is no future, yet. Only the past, the stories of what has happened from billions of years ago before which led up to the events of RIGHT NOW.
We're alive. Right now. That's what makes us powerful.
Life is the gift that keeps giving and anything can happen. We can't plan everything, but we can try our best to create as we live along and make the choices we're making. The Law of Nature and our past has given us what we have now.
So, what are we doing with right Now. Someone is at the movies, at a cemetary, in the garden, by the stove, on the telephone, watching television, eating dinner, letting go of their problems, talking to their friend, saving the world, destroying the world, just met someone else who's really cool, or updating their facebook status.....etc.
There is so much going on in Life. You are a part of it, because you're You and because You're here. You decide how big of a part you want to be. Our Fathers lived, and we learn their history and tell their story, while We continue to write our story right now. We all exist and we all play a part. No matter what we decide to believe in, the truth of things is Now. The future never happened. We can assume that the people we gift and give Life to will tell OUR story of right Now once we've lived and gone away because nothing is for certain and nothing lasts forever. We can only validate the story of our past, hoping for a future is what keeps us living in the present. You have to LIVE in the present. All we have is NOW. I can't stress that enough. The future is NOT promised. The future DEPENDS on US as individuals, and as a whole human race. We all make a difference. Whether we live or we die, we affect everyone's story.
We affect our mom and dad, our moms and dads affect us, we affect our children and they affect us...
We affect our neighbors and vice versa, we affect the starving children around the world that we're either feeding or not feeding because we're either feeding them or not feeding them, even our pets and all the other wondrous animals of the world affect us. We all choose what is happening at, right Now. But again, don't underestimate your fellow human being because they can change your life the same way you can change their life and the story of Life itself which is occuring... ... right Now =)
Everything has always experienced 'change' since the beginning, and everything always keeps changing because the people and everything in this world keep changing. Nothing stays the same, and nothing lasts forever and so far we can assume that neither will we. If existence continues to exist, more Life will come after us. What will they tell of our time? But we won't ever even know what will happen in Theirs if they arrive. All we know is NOW, and what we leave behind for them.
By the way,I ain't sayin' nothin' new that hasn't been said before. I am just putting this all into my own words. This is good for me. I am happy to write all this. I hope this is good for you, too.
Everything stays in balance. Everything is fair. There is no right or wrong; good or bad. There is both. But we all see it differently. Figure out for yourself how you see it; the people you want in it and person you want to be .Versus the rules of society and of culture. Beware of groupthink. Find yourself, and love yourself completely. You matter. We all matter. Because we're alive. We're all here. Now.
What are you doing?
*video is a little weird but great song none-the-less.
READ THIS OR NOT....THIS EPISODE OF FUTURAMA IS A MUST-SEE! "The Late Phillip J. Fry" - concept: end of the universe & rebirth.
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